When we talk about tattoo, the flower tattoo will come to our mind immediately! Why? Not only because it is very beautiful, but also it is so powerful and suitable for all the parts of the body. We can have black and white floral tattoo, at the same time, we can have the watercolor floral tattoo. They both amazing and good looking!
Meanwhile, the good place to have the tattoo on is another important thing we need to take into consideration. The floral tattoo can be anywhere of the body, but the wirst and ankle will be the most suitable places for us. If you are still looking the floral tattoo designs, then you come to the right place and let us explore together and get inspired.
1.Wrist Bracelet Floral Tattoo Designs
The wrist is so sexy and we can have some jewelry on it. But if you are tired of the material jewelry on the wrist, then you can have the wrist floral tattoo on it. The wrist floral tattoo will make your wirst more stunning.

2.Ear Floral Tattoo Designs
The ear is such a small place where we often forget. But if you want to look different, then you can have a floral tattoo on your ear to make it sexier. The flower around the ear with the shape, it will be the same effect like the earing.

3.Ankle Floral Tattoo Designs
The most gorgeous of the body to have tattoo on is the ankle. The ankle is very sexy and sensetive to have the tattoo on, with a floral tattoo on the ankle will make your ankle looking more gorgeous. At the same time, it is very nice when you show your tattoo out in the summer time with the skirt on.